Monesmone Here. After a busy week I actually found the time to post this. I finally finished a song called "Droppin' Bombs" and here's the story behind this one:
This is a story about a nuclear bomb. First a weapon of mass destruction is assembled for emergency cases against enemy countries and is later believed to be a key to start and end a war efficiently. Arguments are held in the capitol on how to use this effectively and to their advantage. The bomb is finally loaded onto a plane and sent on it's way. The target sees the incoming danger and sounds all alarms for evacuation, however they were not fast enough. The bomb is dropped causing mass hysteria and chaos in those towns and cities that dwell within the blast zone. Suddenly there is a blinding flash and moments later a destructive shock wave followed by the wall of destruction that came from what is now a large mushroom cloud billowing miles in the sky. Once the dust settles the attackers can see what they have done. Whole towns were obliterated, towers crumbled, families decimated leaving nothing but eerie shadows on standing walls. A sudden wave of guilt hits the leaders who chose for this outcome to happen. Some wish the bomb was never made nor thought of in the first place.
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I like you and your drawings.