I'm a young man who's had an interest in music since I was a toddler. I worked on my skills through practice with school and self studies with percussive instruments. I picked up FLS only 2 years ago and am still learning the ropes. For now, it's a hobby.

C Mones @Monesmone

Age 29, Male

Anything offered


Somewhere Freezing, CT

Joined on 1/1/12

Exp Points:
2,070 / 2,180
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Vote Power:
5.62 votes
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Police Officer
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Monesmone's News

Posted by Monesmone - May 3rd, 2012

Monesmone Here. After a busy week I actually found the time to post this. I finally finished a song called "Droppin' Bombs" and here's the story behind this one:

This is a story about a nuclear bomb. First a weapon of mass destruction is assembled for emergency cases against enemy countries and is later believed to be a key to start and end a war efficiently. Arguments are held in the capitol on how to use this effectively and to their advantage. The bomb is finally loaded onto a plane and sent on it's way. The target sees the incoming danger and sounds all alarms for evacuation, however they were not fast enough. The bomb is dropped causing mass hysteria and chaos in those towns and cities that dwell within the blast zone. Suddenly there is a blinding flash and moments later a destructive shock wave followed by the wall of destruction that came from what is now a large mushroom cloud billowing miles in the sky. Once the dust settles the attackers can see what they have done. Whole towns were obliterated, towers crumbled, families decimated leaving nothing but eerie shadows on standing walls. A sudden wave of guilt hits the leaders who chose for this outcome to happen. Some wish the bomb was never made nor thought of in the first place.

As always please follow these links to my other pages
(include songs that are not on Newgrounds):
Youtube account

Droppin' Bombs

Posted by Monesmone - April 16th, 2012

Hey how's it going out there?
I'm Monesmone, an aspiring musician who takes time to digitally craft compositions as a hobby. I've been doing this for almost two years now and still hope to improve upon my abilities. Please take some time and tell me what you think or what needs improvement. Have a nice day.

My other sites (include songs that are not on Newgrounds):
Youtube account

As of 4/29/12: I'm finished with a song called "Droppin' Bombs". It will be on Soundcloud when I put it there. I'm too lazy to compile the file right now.


Posted by Monesmone - January 29th, 2012

I'm Monesmone, if you really didn't notice already. I make music because it is my passion and hope to spread what I do to the world. My style of music varies, but it's mostly techno at the moment. Please do both you and I a favor and press the favorite button next to my name (when listening to my music of course.) I started my music production in October of 2010 and am still going. Leave me a comment below too. Have a nice day.

Youtube page

As of 4/8/12 Working on a piece i call "Desert Racing".

What's Up

Posted by Monesmone - January 27th, 2012

Unfortunately when one tries, one can fail. I feel like I have. looking towards he future and can seeing what I can accomplish may not compare to the amazing talents that make the today's music. Hopefully I will continue to and keep practicing what I do. Maybe at one point I will be able to compose something of value.

I also wonder why write these, no one really cares nor reads them.

I love the fact that after re-posting a song that i had put on when i first was accepted to the audio portal the score was better. Thanks world.

Now what?

Posted by Monesmone - January 19th, 2012

Making a song now, gonna take a while. Trying my hardest to make a melody that is not boring to the listener and very vibrant but soft. I'm attempting to make something sad but beautiful in a sense. Hopefully i get this right, because it's controlled completely by autonomous tempo, and volume changes. Volume control and sound quality is my highest regard right now and for every song that I compose. So again from me to you, the imaginary people, have a nice day.

For The Imaginary People...

Posted by Monesmone - January 15th, 2012

The song i'm working on now i can't even explain. it has some orchestral entities as well as dub step characteristics. It's more of a post-dub step. There is a drum set of course. To top this off its based on an annoying clock rhythm that most people recognize. I just hope this one turns out good.
Here's the link:

http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen /466384


For the imaginary people...

Posted by Monesmone - January 10th, 2012

Hello and Welcome To My Page. Feel free to look around and give feed back on my stuff. Any help is appreciated when it comes to making my work better for you people to enjoy! I'm currently working on music and may have pictures and art out later. Have a Good Day Everybody!

Hello Again!

Posted by Monesmone - January 5th, 2012

1. Having myself stop accidentally clicking ads - I don't care about the other sites.

2. Giving people enough information so they can't make stupid comments

3. Make super good art.

4. Make lots of music

5. Making sure i know what i'm talking about when commenting. - stupid peach

6. Making really helpful comments

7. Receiving really helpful comments

8. Not click on adult games when they first appear in the flash portal...Some chick told me a funny story bout her experience with some of that. She ended up watching her favorite anime character get... (censored)... She's scarred for life now!

9. Achievement get: Get achievements...Check

10. actually make money from this site... maybe

11. Upload a picture that is 'A' and see what the comments are. - pirates...ARRGG

12. Be level 12!

13. Show people awesomeness - apparently 'awesomeness' is a word

14. Tankmen

15. See something more epic than............

16. Be level 16!

17. Keep posting stuff on this one blog.

18. don't get frustrated by trolls. F*ck you.


20. Be included in a collaboration of some type.

21. Find out why people flock to rated 'M' stuff more than the others.

22. Don't show as many pieces of my old art...

23. Don't use an arrow in the knee joke

24. Find out why i'm so attracted to fire

25. Make sure i don't kiss ass

26. Be useful!

27. somehow contact other people efficiently

28. Not get distracted by this site for too long...

29. Make sure i don't go to the mature section in a while...going there made me feel like sh*t for some reason.

30. All ur base r belong to me...B*tch

31. Find out why god gave me shaky hands

32. Learn to accept other people drawing styles

33. Have people accept MY drawing style

34. Make Sure I Don't Make Stupid Comments. Because its best to seem professional.

35. Not find haphazardly written comments and reviews on things.

36. Find the cake

37. Make Sure I Don't use portal refrences...

39. Listen to more than enough music

40. Provide people with Helpful information

41. Don't get banned

42. Find the answer to life, the universe, and everything.

43. Whats better than 43?...

44. See to it that i don't get insulted by stupid things like 'comment was useless'

45. Make the world easier to live with...

46. Review only music cause i'm 'useless' when it comes to complimenting somebodies stuffs.

47. Find the major effects of dividing by zero....

48. Be nice to people


50. Don't be a hater

51. delete songs that have ratings of 2 or less - I have standards

52. Make a comic... gonna do that now

Things to check off my checklist while using this site

Posted by Monesmone - January 3rd, 2012

Now that i have moved onto Google Chrome everything is working just fine. i will upload those pictures shown in the blog posts before this one. Have a fun diddly tastic flippin day.

OK! i know what i'm doing now

Posted by Monesmone - January 3rd, 2012

Its nice to be left in the dark for a while as your submissions are being looked at. hopefully my music will be approved and then i, like the other THOUSANDS OF F***ING ARTISTS will be able to show my hard work to the world...Just like circle time in elementary school.
Illustrations of mine still can't go on the art portal cause of technical difficulties, so ill wait and see what happenes. i may ask staff for help if the problem doesn't stop (my problem is made clear in last post). So for now, for the non existant person reading this crap i give you a picture that i couldn't upload properly.
I was gonna show a less dressed version of the chick in the last post but that might be too much...(not really because at least 60% of this site has inappropriate stuff for young viewers) So im gonna give you a nice old picture of a boy playing in the snow. Hope you get to listen to my music. check my link for my youtube. Thanks for being a patient nonexistent imaginary person reading this SH*TTY POST so that i can keep homeostasis.
-From Monesmone
You can also leave an imaginary comment upon this subject, because i was sure as hell i was seeing things when i read the ones on the last post. Peace.

Patients- if i even spelled that right.